Crystal Dreams or Memories?

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Ending Chosen: Option 3 (Jump to the nearest asteroid - hopping from rock to rock to find shelter.)

Word Count: 725 words


With the rainbow path I was on dissipating beneath me, I knew I had to make a choice on where to escape to next. Out of my three choices, the cottage and the space station were the two that felt the most familiar. That’s how I knew they were the wrong choice. I’m in space after all, what around here has ever felt familiar?


Just as I was about to leap to the nearest asteroid, I saw a rainbow spark glowing between the rocks that were ever-growing closer. “That settles it”, I thought and made my jump. It wasn’t an easy landing, my body struggling to adjust to the unfamiliar spacesuit but I managed to catch my balance.


Once I looked around me, I realized that the asteroids had been moving closer to assemble a bridge, one that was surprisingly solid. Glancing behind me, I saw the space station glitch out of existence and the cottage fade just as the rainbow path had been doing. I pinned my ears closely to my skull, realizing just how close I had come to disappearing along with them.


With no way to go but forwards, I continued down the asteroid bridge that was now tied together with the rainbow ribbon I had seen previously. Rainbow ribbons, not unlike the stardust that made up part of my own body. However, this time it seemed like it was going to hold. I wished for the sturdiness of my hooves amongst all the small craters in the rocks, but didn’t remove my boots as I still wasn’t sure if this was a dream or not. It sure seemed like it, but I had never felt a burning sensation like those falling stars in a dream before…


There was what seemed to be an endless path ahead of me until I finally saw a planet in the distance. It wasn’t a planet I had seen before but I recognized it all the same. It was an ancient planet only theorized to have existed but one I shared a name with: Theía. Despite the surrealness of everything else going on around me, including the fact that I should’ve run out of air long ago, it did eventually draw closer, close enough to the point that I could step off of the asteroids and onto its surface.


I paused for a moment but after all, “Not like there’s anywhere else for me to go”, I said to myself as I stepped onto Theía’s rocky ground. Once settled, I noticed the rainbow sparks from earlier seeming to form a path of their own ahead of me. They’re what saved me earlier so I decided to press forwards. It didn’t feel like long until I came to a cavernous opening ahead of me. Surprisingly though, it wasn’t dark. More of that rainbow light seemed to be coming from inside…


I walked cautiously into the cave only to find myself dazzled by the thousands of glowing crystals all around me, covering the walls and ceiling. “This is where the sparks were coming from!” I exclaimed, looking around in wonder. I explored the cave for a while but never found a path that led anywhere else. All of the exhaustion finally hit me now that I didn’t see anywhere else to go and I sat down on the floor. The gentle hum of the glowing crystals started to sound like a lullaby, not unlike the music I was listening to before all this happened. My eyes became heavy and before long, I was drifting off to sleep, soothed by the soft light and melody around me.


I woke up with a start, not having any idea of how much time had passed. I was once again back in “Alice”, no longer in a spacesuit but instead wrapped in my favorite blanket. My headphones were still playing the music I had heard in the cave and when I opened my hand that I was sure hadn’t been clenched earlier, I found one of the small glowing crystals from Theía resting on my paw pad. “I now have even less of a clue if that was a dream or not, but at least I’m here safe”, I murmured to myself and held the crystal close to my heart, humming along softly to the music before closing my eyes once again.

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Crystal Dreams or Memories?
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In Startober ・ By autymndreams

Theía is actually a name shared by another, a Titaness of Greek mythology. "THEIA was the Titan goddess of sight (thea) and the shining ether of the bright, blue sky (aithre). She was also, by extension, the goddess who endowed gold and silver with their brilliance and intrinsic value ( She was also "responsible for making precious stones and metals sparkle and shimmer, which is why Theia is associated with things that shimmered in the ancient world." (

Submitted By autymndreams for Startober 2024 Prompt 8: Stationless in StardustlandView Favorites
Submitted: 4 months and 1 week agoLast Updated: 4 months and 1 week ago

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