Profile CON-1568: owner off site

Owned by lordofgeese

Ownership History

Character Transferred (Transferred by Asumi_Cita)
3 months and 1 week ago
Character Design Updated ([#3429])
3 months and 3 weeks ago
Character Design Updated ([#3425])
3 months and 3 weeks ago
Character Design Updated ([#3422])
3 months and 3 weeks ago
Character Design Updated ([#3407])
3 months and 3 weeks ago
Character Design Updated ([#3329])
4 months and 3 days ago
Character Design Updated ([#3326])
4 months and 5 days ago
MYO Design Approved ([#3325])
4 months and 6 days ago
MYO Slot Created (Initial upload)
4 months and 6 days ago